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Waiver Services

Remote supports - includes a wide range of technology-based services that allows for trained remote support professionals (RSPs) to deliver live support to an individual from a remote location in place of on-site staffing. 


Residential Habilitation and Support hourly (RHS hourly and daily) services - includes individually tailored supports that are specified in the PCISP that assist with the acquisition, retention or improvement in skills related to living in the community.


Transportation services - services to transfer individuals in a vehicle from the point of pick-up to a destination point


Participant Assistance and Care (PAC) - includes services that are provided to allow individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities to remain and live successfully in their own homes, function and participate in their communities, and avoid institutionalization. 


Structured family caregiving - includes a living arrangement in which an individual lives in the private home of a principal caregiver who may be a non-family member (foster care) or a family member who is not the individual’s spouse, the parent of the individual who is a minor, or the legal guardian of the minor individual.


 Wellness coordination - includes the development, maintenance and routine monitoring of the individual’s wellness coordination plan and the medical services required to manage their health care needs. 


Day habilitation - includes services that are specified in the PCISP and support learning and assistance in the areas of: self-care, sensory/motor development, socialization, daily living skills, communication, community living and social skills.


Residential-based habilitation -service provides training to regain skills that were lost secondary to the traumatic brain injury (TBI). 

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